Make it stand out.

The CHERISH Mosaic

What do you want from life? Maybe break a glass ceiling? Travel to chill destinations? Invent the next big thing? Own a chalet on a lake? Have supportive people to enjoy them with?

Be honest, are the supportive relationships the hardest to find- and keep? 

Why are people just SO difficult to get along with? Family? Coworkers? Neighbours? Misunderstandings, triggers, bad habits, arguments, hurt feelings. Why don’t we “get” each other?

Some people choose to avoid the problems. Why rock the boat and make things worse? Dysfunctional relationships and ulcers are better than being alone.

Other people choose to try hard to make the problems go away- nagging, firm boundaries, negotiations, forced counselling - can lead to defensive reactions or at best, a truce. A spouse, a parent, a friend- why don’t they “get us” and want to care about us?

Is there another way to relate? An approach that engages with the best in each other, creates a safe place to be real, and compassionately deals with mistakes?

The Cherish Mosaic offer an approach that is a breath of fresh air. Integrating the best of science-based psychological and relational practices into the CHERISH approach, it is transforming difficult relationships into caring - even fun - ones. How you may ask? No, no magic wands are involved.

Take a quick minute to imagine the last day of your life - are you wishing you had prioritized loving relationships? A close family, great friends, a supportive community?

No, you say??? Relationships have been often hurtful and difficult?

Maybe you had tried your best? Perhaps you never figured out how to connect with people?

Or you may have confronted, controlled, pleaded and finally cancelled challenging relationships when nothing changed? Too much drama and toxicity?

Or maybe people cancelled you. So hurtful.

Would relationships have been a higher priority if there had been an easy-to-understand way to create authentic respectful relationships? Ways that are calm, creative, compassionate, involving ninja-like moves and are even fun? No longer a victim, you now have some new choices of how to respond? Tell you more?

The Cherish Mosaic is a relationship approach - that teaches us how to skillfully discover and bring out the best in ourselves and others- resulting in respectful, authentic relationships.

And what is The Cherish Mosaic?

Formally, it’s a science-based interpersonal approach that aims to transform relationships, not just improve them. Helping people to go from controlling, avoidant and self-preserving - to compassionate and mutually appreciative? How is that done, you ask?

The Cherished Mosaic opens up a tool box of science-based motivation, influence and creative communication techniques - but the secret transformative sauce is the mind and heart set- in the understanding and respect for individual choice and the human capacity for growth, in the really see-ing individuals as uniquely cherished and needed (yes, cherished- I’ll explain later), and

Where do the ideas come from? The wisdom of many synthesized and filtered through the life of this experienced life-skills therapist, mother and battle scarred student of life. (See bio) In sharing the best ideas with clients and others, it’s been a joy to see people stand taller, relaxed and opening up to shared laughter and experiences.

The Cherished Mosaic is also a learning community as the best way to safely learn and practice interpersonal skills, Whether it’s Instagram for practical ideas and inspo, Substack for deeper dives in the approach, or Circle membership for workshops, bookclubs, or support, there’s a place to be cherished together, sharing our wisdom and perspectives.

As an experienced therapist with my own lived experiences, I share a cohesive compassionate insightfully seeing people as unique pieces of puzzle, with strengths, limitations and a unique perspective needed by all.

Are you frustrated with toxic and difficult relationships?

Are your attempts to control the situation - or give up on the relationships - working for you?

Do you long for relationships and communities that genuinely see each other and care about each other?

The Cherish Mosaic opens hearts and mindset

transforms difficult relationships into authentic relationships walled hearts and minds to open to authentic relationship through the therapeutic use of self

by learning interpersonal skills

shares eates compassionate hearts and open minds, transforms relationships