Bring out the BEST
in yourself
and others

Who are YOU at your best?
Creative, curious, kind, enthusiastic?
Perfect? NO, one is
But perfectly human
with strengths and flaws
Do you know HOW to bring out the best in yourself and others?
What HELPS you to be your best?
And what can YOU do to help others be their best?
… and yes, it IS kind to encourage growth and respectful behaviour in others
is a relationship approach that helps you discover and use your best self and a new mindset and skills to build healthier and happier relationships
Focusing on principles of motivation and change mindful compassion emotional regulation collaboration behavior science and wisdom practices and using creative teaching methods
Bold Kindness
helps people to
Hi, I’m Jeanni Potter
I’m an interpersonal coach and writer
The ideas for Bold Kindness grew from my education and experience as a former mental health occupational therapist and family counsellor
It was the real life struggles of my clients and my own insecurities and difficult relationships that fuelled my learning
My passion is empowering others by teaching Bold Kindness skills in online and in-person workshops and creative communication